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The Standard® digital resource library acts as your go-to location for all of our digital resources.  In it you will find our current and past flyers, brochures, counterparts, and more.

Description  Item Id
2025 Programs & Product Brochure ST11761
2024 Programs & Products Brochure ST11695
Blue Streak® by Standard Brochure BS11338JAN19
Blue Streak® Product Spotlight BS11230OCT18
Blue Streak® High-Temp Connectors BS11755
Blue Streak® New Parts Spotlight: High Temperature Connector Kit BS11760
Digital Portfolio: Blue Streak® Brand ST-DP-BSB-2024
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) Program ST-DP-ADAS-2025
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Brand Story ST-DP-Brand-2025
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Collision Repair Program
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Electronic Throttle Bodies (ETB) & Related Parts ST-DP-ETB-2024
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Emission Control Program ST-DP-EMIS-2025
Digital Portfolio: Standard® EV / Hybrid Program ST-DP-EVHY-2025
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Gas Fuel Injection (GFI) & Related Parts ST-DP-GFJ-2024
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Program ST-DP-GDI
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Ignition Program ST-DP-IGN-2025
Digital Portfolio: Oil Filter Housing Kits (OFHK) ST-DP-OFHK-2025
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Sensor Program ST-DP-SEN-2025
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Switches & Relays ST-DP-SWRE-2025
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) ST-DP-TPMS-2024
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Turbocharger Kits & Related Parts ST-DP-TURBO-2024
Digital Portfolio: Standard® Variable Valve Timing (VVT) & Related Parts ST-DP-VVT-2024
Follow Standard on Social Media ST11226
Ignition Lock Cylinder Recoding Mat ST10740
Illustrated Connector Guide ST11211
Intermotor Brochure IM10917
Intermotor Premium Import Ignition Wire Brochure IM10405
Just the Facts: 'Thumbs Up' Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Cradle ST10235THMB
Just the Facts: Accelerator Pedal Sensors (APS) ST10235APS-FEB14
Just the Facts: Active Grille Shutter (AGS) ST10235AGS-MAR19
Just the Facts: Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) ST10235ADAS
Just the Facts: Air Charge / Manifold Temperature Sensors ST10235AX-FEB14
Just the Facts: Airbag Clock Springs (ACS) ST10235CLK-FEB14
Just the Facts: Anti-Lock Brake (ABS) Sensors ST10235ALS-FEB14
Just the Facts: Anti-lock Brake (ABS) Sensors Testing ST10235ABT-FEB14
Just the Facts: Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensors ST10235BAP-FEB14
Just the Facts: Blower Motor Resistor (BMR) ST10235BMR
Just the Facts: Blue Streak Blower Motor Resistor Kits (BMRK) BS10235BMRK
Just the Facts: Blue Streak Camshaft Sensor Kits (CSK) BS10235NCSK
Just the Facts: Blue Streak Heavier-Duty Ignition Coils (IC) BS10235IGC
Just the Facts: Blue Streak Ignition Coil Testing (ICT) BS10235-ICT
Just the Facts: Blue Streak Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Sprocket Comparison Analysis  BS10235VVTSA
Just the Facts: Brake Pad Wear Sensors (PWS) ST10235PWS-FEB14
Just the Facts: Camshaft Synchronizer Assemblies (CSA) ST10235CSA-FEB14
Just the Facts: Camshaft/Crankshaft Position Sensors (CPS) ST10235PC-FEB14
Just the Facts: Coil-on-Plugs (COP) ST10235UF-FEB14
Just the Facts: Coolant Temperature Sensors (CTS) ST10235TX-FEB14
Just the Facts: COP Boot and Pigtail Socket Assortments ST10235COP-FEB14
Just the Facts: Cummins 5.9L Diesel Fuel Injector Kits (DFIK) ST10235D_5.9LFJK
Just the Facts: Daytime Running Light Kits (DRLK) ST10235DRL-FEB14
Just the Facts: Diesel Common Rail Injectors (CRI) ST10235DCRIMAY17
Just the Facts: Diesel Fuel Injection Control Module (FICM) ST10235DFCMMAY17
Just the Facts: Diesel Fuel Injection Pumps (DFIP) ST10235D-FIP-FEB19
Just the Facts: Diesel Fuel Injectors (100% NEW) ST10235DNX-AUG20
Just the Facts: Diesel Fuel Transfer Pump (DFTP) ST10235D-FTP-JAN19
Just the Facts: Diesel High Pressure Oil Pumps (DHPOP) ST10235DHPOP
Just the Facts: Diesel Hydraulic Electric Unit Injectors (HEUI) ST10235DHUEMAY17
Just the Facts: Diesel Indirect Fuel Injectors (IDFJ) ST10235D-IDFJ-FEB19
Just the Facts: Diesel Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Sensors ST10235D-NOX-MAR20
Just the Facts: Diesel Turbochargers (TBC) ST10235D-TRB
Just the Facts: (Distributorless Ignition System) DIS Control Modules ST10235DIS-FEB14
Just the Facts: Door Lock Actuators (DLA) ST10235IDLA-DLA
Just the Facts: Don't Get POed with PO401 Codes ST10235PO4-FEB14
Just the Facts: Exhaust Gas Recirculation EGR Position and EGR Pressure Sensors ST10235VP-FEB14
Just the Facts: Exhaust Gas Recirculation EGR Valves ST10235EGR-FEB14
Just the Facts: Ford 5.4L Variable Valve Timing Kit (VVTK) BS10235VVTK
Just the Facts: Fuel and Water Separator Sensor (FWS) ST10235FWS-FEB14
Just the Facts: Fuel Injector (FI) ST10235FJ-FEB14
Just the Facts: Fusible Link / Circuit Breaker ST10235-FBCB
Just the Facts: Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) ST10235GDI-JAN21
Just the Facts: GM "T" Shaped Battery Cable Bolt ST10235BCB
Just the Facts: High Pressure Oil Pumps (HPP) ST10235D-HPP-MAY16
Just the Facts: High-Temperature Blower Motor Resistor Connectors (HTBC) ST10235HTBC
Just The Facts: Idle Air Control (IAC) Valve ST10235IAC
Just the Facts: Injection Pump Module (IPM1) ST10235IPM-FEB14
Just the Facts: Integrated Door Lock Actuators (IDLA) ST10235IDLA
Just the Facts: Knock Sensors (KS) ST10235KS-FEB14
Just the Facts: Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensors ST10235MF-JUL16
Just the Facts: Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensors ST10235AS-FEB14
Just the Facts: Multi-port Fuel Injectors (MPFI) ST10235MPFI-FEB19
Just the Facts: Pintle/Disc Fuel Injectors ST10235PD
Just the Facts: QWIK-SENSOR® Tool Compatibility ST11728
Just the Facts: Replace Coils in Sets ST10235DJRCOP
Just the Facts: Steering Angle Sensors (SAS) ST10235SAS
Just the Facts: Stoplight Switches (SS) ST10235SS
Just the Facts: T47000 Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Service Tool Kit ST10235Q47
Just the Facts: Throttle Position Sensors (TPS) ST10235TH-FEB14
Just the Facts: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensors ST10235TPM-MAR13
Just the Facts: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Identification Cloning Use ST10235IDC-FEB14
Just the Facts: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensor ID Number Locator ST10235IDL-MAY14
Just the Facts: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Service and Repair ST10235TSR-FEB14
Just the Facts: Two or Four? That is the Question! ST10235RU-FEB14
Just the Facts: Variable Valve Timing (VVT) ST10235VVT-JUN19
Just the Facts: Vehicle Speed Sensors (VSS) ST10235SC-FEB14
Just the Facts: Vehicle Warning Lights (VWL) ST10235VWL-MAR13
Just the Facts: Water Intrusion and Premature Coil Failure (UF303) ST10235WAT-FEB14
Just the Facts: YAW Rate Sensors ST10235YAW-FEB14
Lock Cylinder Replacement/Recoding ST10738
New Parts Spotlight: Camshaft & Crankshaft Sensors ST11731
OE-Match Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Bay Banner ST11192
OE-Match Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Counter Card ST11193
OE-Match Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Counter Mat ST11181
OE-Match Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Poster ST11180
Product Spotlight: Hyundai/Kia IN11273
Product Spotlight: Turbocharger Boost Solenoids (TBS) ST11454APR20
Product Spotlight: Sensors, Valves, Actuators, ETBs ST11454-OCT20
Pro Training Power Hour Flyer (2025) ST11635NOV24
Sensors: High Technology (counter mat) ST11196
SMP Evolving Capabilities Brochure SMP11548
SMP Parts App 2.0 GF11203
Standard Air Pumps ST11697
Standard Advanced Technology Solutions: Cylinder Deactivation Solenoids ST11763
Standard / Blue Streak Ignition Coil Program ST11758
Standard Connector Assortments ST11742
Standard Collision Repair Program Brochure ST11764
Standard Dealer Cabinets ST8169-2
Standard Diesel Brochure ST11236
Standard Diesel Parts Guide ST11260
Standard Diesel Parts Identification Guide ST11499
Standard Electronic Throttle Bodies (ETB) Brochure ST11749
Standard Emission Control Program ST11690
Standard Evaporative System Integrity Module (ESIM) ST11710
Standard Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Sensors ST11682
Standard Fuel Injection (FI) Program Brochure ST11705
Standard Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Injection ST11556
Standard Ignition Coils: Coil-on-Plug (COP) Breakdown ST11420
Standard Installer Cabinets ST11416
Standard Interactive Buyer's Guide ST11237
Standard MAF Sensor Brochure ST11083JAN19
Standard New, No-Core Turbocharger Program ST11493
Standard New Parts Spotlight: ADAS Components ST11762
Standard New Parts Spotlight: ABS Speed Sensors ST11766
Standard New Parts Spotlight: Connectors for Ford Vehicles ST11689
Standard New Parts Spotlight: Electronic Throttle Bodies ST11747
Standard New Parts Spotlight: Engine Crankcase Breather Hoses ST11694
Standard New Parts Spotlight: GDI & MFI Fuel Injectors ST11707
Standard New Parts Spotlight: GM Tail Light Wiring Harnesses ST11706
Standard New Parts Spotlight: Ignition Coils ST11751
Standard New Parts Spotlight: Parking Brake Actuators ST11696
Standard New Parts Spotlight: Turbochargers ST11614
Standard New Parts Spotlight: Variable Valve Timing (VVT) ST11741-MAY24
Standard Oil Filter Housing Kits (OFHK) Brochure ST11716
Standard Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Valves & Engine Oil Separators (EOS) ST11698
Standard Pigtails ST11570
Standard QWIK-Sensor Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Multipacks ST11711
Standard TPM9014 T47000 Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Tool and QWIK SENSOR Bundle Flyer ST11471
Standard TPM9016/9017 Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Bundles Flyer ST11533
Standard TPM9018R Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Bundle Flyer ST11536
Standard Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Service Tool Kit ST10817MAR15
Standard Turbocharger Drop Ship Program ST11488AUG21
The Choice is Yours ST10237
TPM9023 Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Bundle ST11583
TPM9024 Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Bundle ST11584
TPMS Tool Comparison ST10235TPMSTOOLS
TPMS Inspection Sheet ST11195
T-Series and Blue Streak Ignition Coils: A Comparison BS11748
What's In Your Box: Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) Speed Sensors ST11519-DEC22
What's In Your Box: Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) ST11581
What's In Your Box: Blower Motor Resistors (BMR) ST11521
What's In Your Box: Blue Streak Kits BS11631
What's In Your Box: Blue Streak Import Coils BS11632
What's In Your Box: Camshaft and Crankshaft Sensors ST11516-APR24
What's In Your Box: Collision Repair Program ST11630
What's In Your Box: Crankcase Ventilation Program ST11727
What's In Your Box: Electronic Throttle Bodies (ETB) ST11561
What's In Your Box: EVAP Components ST11725
What's In Your Box: EV / Hybrid Program ST11633
What's In Your Box: Exhaust Gas Recirculation Program (EGR) ST11726
What's In Your Box: Gas Fuel Injection (GFI) ST11523-JUN21
What's In Your Box: Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Program ST11629
What's In Your Box: Ignition Coils (IC) ST11513
What's In Your Box: Oil Filter Housing Kits (OFHK) ST11582
What's In Your Box: Oil Pressure Switches (OPS) ST11522
What's In Your Box: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Program ST11628
What's In Your Box: Turbocharger Kits ST11562
What's In Your Box: Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Sprockets & Solenoids ST11528-MAY24
Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Program BS1692  
Vehicle Warning Light Poster ST10829